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Refund Policy
Refund Policy
Refund Policy:
Yes. We can cancel or refund your order and it has been classified in two below categories
1. Product not delivered:
The service receiver can request for a refund after placing the order. We will refund your payment within 10 days after receiving your request. Your refund is subject to deduction of processing charges charged by agencies/payment service provider and time spent of our team in cancelling your order and assisting you. A processing and assistance charge of 30% will be levied.
2. Product Delivered:
We at put our best efforts to make a perfect experience for every client and committed to make every client happy. We provide modifications support also. But sometimes due to unexpected expectations or unwanted requirement we may not be able to make our client happy. In case we have already done some job or first draft CV/product has been handed over to you then No refund will be entertained. We develop any CV after thorough research and involve our coordinator, writers, senior management to take care of each orders.